Today I was at the commons clubhouse. Here I went with a woman who worked out how much disney would pay for me to get home. I gave her my reciepts for my train and flight, and it worked out at around $690 which is REALLY good! We then had a talk with a special agents guy who told us about drinking and got all the under 21s to stand up... I stood up pretty fast as others kinda crawled out of their seats... I'm really not that bothered about it lol. We got told about us not drinking and we would be termed for it and all that stuff I already knew... They were just reminding us though.
Then the good people from "Partners," which is the disney bank for Cast Members, came in and gave us a little pressentation about banking with them. I decided to go with them as they seemed my best option. I made plans with the mexicans to go for wings tonight with Tracey and some other UKers. I have tomorrow off so I'm hoping to go to MGM and meet grandma there.
I will leave you with some photos from the past week or so... Have a magical day! :D

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