Hey everyone.
Well on Tuesday I had my medical examination in London. Nothing too much to report here.
When me and my Grandma got to London we found out that the underground trains were all on strike, so we had to get the bus... This made me get to Harley Street a bit later than I should have been there (as they ask you to arrive 20 mins before your appointment in order to fill out forms).
After running down Harley Street to find number 127, I arrived and checked in. I went though all my forms and got asked to go upstairs to see the doctor.
The doctor was a lady... BINGO!!! :D Ha ha. She was very nice.
I had to do the usual things to do with medical tests. I got checked on my eye sight. She took my height, weight, blood pressure, flexibility, and joint reflexes. She also checked my chest and looked in my ears.
As I had to run to make my appointment my blood pressure was sky high! I explained and she agreed but told me to just watch it in the future incase it stays high.
I then went down the road to number 111 to have my blood taken. She filled 4 tubes of it (which she told me equalled to 4 tea spoons).
This is me after my tests with some cotton on my arm ha ha. Sorry for the blurriness in the photo. Thanks Grandma :p
That's basically all that happened. Me and Grandma went to Leister Square for dinner (which I liked because thats where they have all the UK movie premiers).
I will find out soon if I have passed my tests.
Here are a few photos from the day :o)
Toy Story 3 :D
Grandma took this photo so it is a bit blurry :p
Buckingham Palace.
Wellington Arch.
Wicked :D
I seem to take this photo every time I come to London ha ha.